Bee Pollen Granules 50ml


Bee Pollen Granules are a natural super food which can be crushed and dusted on many insectivorous reptiles meals along with calcium and multi-vitamins. They are especially needed for reptiles such as chameleons which in the wild often consume bees and other flying insects in their diets.


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Bee Pollen Granules are a natural super food which should be dusted on many insectivorous reptiles meals along with calcium and multi-vitamins. They are especially needed for reptiles such as chameleons which in the wild often consume bees and other flying insects in their diets.

Bee pollen is a significant source of Vitamins A (Very important for reptiles), B1, B2, B6, C, D and E.

No need to dust large amounts, just 0.25ml every 4-7 days should add the much needed nutrients to your pets diet.

For more information on chameleon feeding, please visit our blog.

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